Reload Internet has been a part of the Paddington Community for over 20 years now. You have supported us through thick and thin and so we would like to give back to the community and show our support for our NHS Key Workers.
We are proud to offer a variety of useful services in store including Passport and ID photos, printing, photocopying, scanning, binding and lamination. We also offer high quality photo printing which is ideal for printing photos with family and friends, particularly useful during this challenging pandemic.
NHS Key Worker Discounts
We offer a flat 20% discount to all NHS workers in store.
All you have to do is show us your NHS ID and our staff will gladly apply this discount for you. Furthermore, if you have a large printing job or specific requirements we can often adapt our pricing to offer affordable and competitive rates.
Our store fully follows strict social distancing guidelines and we’ve implemented measures for the safety of our customers and staff. Additionally, to reduce the number of people outdoors we have introduced delivery and collection options for many of our in store services.
You can learn more about our passport photo delivery service here.
If you have any questions or special requirements, email us at or call us on 02072624111
Passport Photos in Central London
Reload Internet is conveniently located across the street from Paddington Station, less than 5 minutes walk from St Mary’s Hospital.
We look forward to welcoming you at Reload Internet, in Paddington, London.
Please call us on 02072624111 if you have any questions or email us at: